
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Papua New Guinea lost Paradise

Searching on the net I found this lost Paradise

Check this out!!!

Old initiation ceremonies

The boys from the Sandaun province also went to live in the “Haus Boy” when they reached a certain age. While there, they were taught skills of hunting, fishing, gardening, and also magic and rituals. These were also practiced in Gulf and in East New Britain.

Initiation was also an important ceremony in those days. The ceremony allowed people to recognize that the boy had reached his manhood. The purpose was to teach the youth to live a better life, respect his elders and the traditional values in order to have a good status in the society.

Each province had different initiation ceremonies, the male initiation was called Warkinim and the Tumbuan initiation was called Awarpakat.

In Tufi, Northern province, young Korafe men were not allowed to shave or look in the mirror in front of their uncles until their mother’s brothers had initiated them.

The young men of Sundaun were also not offered by young girls until their uncles and kanderes had carried out their initiation ceremonies.

In the North Solomons Province when a boy showed signs of maturity, village elders organized a ceremony where the boy was taken into the jungle to carry out several test that would prepare him for life.

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This ritual involved eating special kinds of food. Sacred information of rules were passed to the boy during this ritual. This taught him to be a responsible person and to respect women and village elders.
  Some Cash?

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